making college affordable
Boston Baptist College costs 58% less than the national average cost to attend a Private, 4-year college. (CollegeBoard)
serving as an affordable option
Boston Baptist College is listed as one of the Top 25 Most Affordable Christian Colleges in the U.S. (
Boston Baptist College is one of the Top 42 least expensive 4-year schools in New England. (U.S. Department of Education)
We understand that college is no light burden for students or for their families. At Boston Baptist College, we work tirelessly to help each student find a way to make college affordable and to make a degree a reality.
The information provided here is specifically designed to help you learn about the process of applying for financial aid, the types of aid that are available, and other opportunities for funding your college education.
Please contact (617) 364-3510 (ext. 245) with any questions or concerns you may have about the financial aid process.