How to use the Library Catalog

Library Catalog Directions

The Boston Baptist College Library Catalog is accessible from the school’s website, and allows students to engage with the vast amount of resources available to them through the Fred Tatro Research Library. This includes works within the physical library, electronic books and resources, other Library catalogs, and more.

In order to use the Fred Tatro Research Library, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Boston Baptist College Website ( 

  2. Under the Academics tab, select “Research Library.” 

  3. On the Research Library page, select “Access Library Resources.”

  4.  On the “Follett Destiny” homepage, select Boston Baptist College.

  5. Your Username and Password are the same as your student Gmail account.

    • Username: (your first name-your last

    • Password: (your custom Gmail password)

  6. Once in the Library Catalog, you will see multiple tabs available to you, including access to other library catalogs, and online resources.

  7. In order to search for books relating to your desired subject, go to the “Catalog” tab. There are multiple search options available to you.

    • The “Basic” search is most useful if you already know the name of the book or the author.

    • The “Power” search is most useful if you have a general idea about the subject, but do not have any particular books or authors in mind. 

      • This search allows you to enter various keywords that relate to your topic, and pulls up books in the Library Resources that fit your specified parameters.

      • Use keywords that relate to your general topic: for example, Hellenism, Judaism, John, Judah, Christology.

    • Refrain from using articles (a, the) in any searches.

    • After you enter a search into the system, various resources and titles will come up.

      • Once you have found a book which seems to fit your research topic, take note of its “Call #.”

        • After you locate this book on the shelf, be sure to look at the books directly around it. The Library of Congress Cataloging system which our Library uses orders books based on their subject matter. This means that often, the books near the book you searched for relate to your topic as well.

    • If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact one of our friendly Library workers.

  8. Once you have located your books, stop by the Library counter and the Library Assistant will check the book out to your student account.